With just 3 weeks to go until doors open, if you haven’t already registered for the UK’s biggest, independent convenience retail show now’s the time to get on-line and get your entry badge. With a busy Easter in store over the next few weeks, registering today will ensure you don’t miss out on a key opportunity to grow your business over the next 12 months.   The NEC Birmingham plays host to the National Convenience Show and The Forecourt Show between 24th – 26th April, uniquely devised to offer pro-active, practical and inspiring support for retailers.

Leading global beverage alcohol supplier Diageo is the most recent, exciting addition to the line-up of top-quality and relevant exhibitors who will be at the show. Although research shows over 90% of households buy alcohol in the UK, Diageo have identified a key opportunity for convenience retailers with only 30% of households buying alcohol from their local store. Diageo launched their impressive ‘’Inspire.Display.Sell’’ initiative as part of the My Store Matters programme last year and already retailers are enjoying an average sales increase of up to £9k annually on alcohol sales.  Visitors to NCS2017 will be able to meet with the Diageo team and learn about how to develop their alcohol category to enjoy the sales and profit increases that can be expected from implementing this leading category advice.

As already announced WH Smith Wholesale will be making their first visit to NCS to help retailers understand the opportunities for additional sales and profits that can come from stocking a range of stationery items. Visitors can also meet the team and find out how they can be entered into a draw to win £5000 of stock (T&Cs apply).

The Retailer Hub live theatre timetable is shaping up to deliver an insightful, exciting and inspiring line-up of speakers including Jimmy Cregan or Jimmy’s Iced Coffee, talking about how he understood customer need and built his brand, alongside a panel of experts who will discuss the impact of the proposed Booker:Tesco merger on the UK retail environment. And whether you’re a forecourt retailer or a Post Office, there a range of sessions tailored specifically for the needs of your customers with practical help to overcome the unique challenges you face. You can check out the full timetable here http://www.nationalconvenienceshow.co.uk/sessions.

For suppliers and their guests looking to relax and network after a busy day at the show there is still the chance to snap up the last remaining tickets for the After Party featuring well-known TV comic Dominic Holland. Further information and booking details can be found here www.wrtickets.nationalconvenienceshow.co.uk.  And the votes are already rolling in for the Great New Idea competition where products and ideas from Protein & Vitamin Water, CPL Distribution, and Parcelly are among the names to scoop the honour at the end of the show on Wednesday 26th. To make sure your favourite is crowned the winner visit www.nationalconvenienceshow.co.uk and search the exhibitors for this year’s entrants.

So, whether you’re looking for a fantastic new product to fill a gap on your shelves, or a new service to help you understand and run your business more efficiently the National Convenience Show is the only place that brings it all together under one roof.  However busy you are, thousands of your fellow retailers agree that NCS is the must not miss event of the year that brings together insightful expertise and advice, interesting and valuable products and services and creates the environment for networking and sharing amongst retailers, suppliers and the wider industry.

In the words of leading retailer Jai Singh of MJ’s Go Local Extra, Sheffield:

                ‘’I want to see my fellow retailers register and attend NCS2017 – there’s no better place to learn about new things and get inspiration to grow your business. It won’t ever be a waste of a day and you can pick up things that will help your business for many years to come. See you there’’
